View Profile Kuro
God save the village green.

Age 33, Female


New Zealand

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News post +1

Posted by Kuro - January 27th, 2008

I see many profiles, and their news posts are numerous. It is so, that I feel ashamed at my small number. I will endeavour to endeavour to focus more efforts on my own Newgrounds web log, and thus increase my count from a mere 9 (now 10) to newfound heights.

Clearly this means that my news posts will be excessively clogged with redundant statements, quotations, and narrations on my life, but in order to succeed in my goal I shall have to fight my way through.

Ah, but this would require my life to be eventful for me to have things to comment on, which alas it sadly has just not been. This also I will attempt to work through.

About the most interesting of things that has happened to me this week is that I went to go and see a moving picture. For this I saw the film "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street", which though it may have been released in December of last year in the US, it has only just 5 days prior been released here, and one day later had I seen it. I felt that this film was quite good, and worth the $12.50 I payed to see it. Johnny Depp was good in turning what in the stage production was more a loud and full character, into a more dark and gloomy take on the classic murderer , to fit into the gothic style of Tim Burton's imagery (not that the original was all that jolly, either). Helena Bonham Carter also deserves mention for turning the character of Nellie Lovett from the loud, boisterous, fishwife-y laugh getter into a more lonely, and obsessive character, while still remaining funny.

The style was typical Burton fare, with very little colours (aside from scenes in which characters remember happier times, and dream of future ones), and opting for a dark, gothic tone, to fit with the serial killer vibe. The sets were well designed, and I was fond of the costumes.

The singing, while not being as technically impressive as their stage counterparts, was good, and better than I expected, in fact. The tunes were as catchy as they were ridiculously complicated, and the characters managed to pull them off well. I still feel that it shows that both of the main characters were hired for their affiliation with Tim Burton, but they still did well in their roles.

I was surprised that me and my friends were the ones laughing the most during the film. While not being an outright comedy, it still quite clearly shows comedic elements. You cannot help but laugh during such scenes as the overtly comedic "A Little Priest", and to Sweeney's inattentive throat slitting during the Johanna reprise.

Overall, I would rate the film 4 stars (out of 5).

Now that I've gotten my pretentious, and likely terrible, film review out of the way, moving onto other matters.

I have managed to finish Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions (for the PSP), which is the game I had been playing. The game was good, but the plot was all over the place. And the difficulty fluctuated. It started out easy, as any game would, but then began to get harder to the point where I actually died a few times. Then about halfway through the game, it got a lot easier again, due to me getting some good job classes. The arithmetician class made battles exceedingly easy, after I was able to start off almost any battle, press "CT", "Multiple of 3" and "Holy", and then kill absolutely everyone on the map, other than the mage using it. Then after I got Balthier, I was able to end many a battle quickly, due to his long range, and high attack, meaning he could easily pick off the boss of a stage within his first turn. Still, I enjoyed the game, though it was best when I actually had to think out strategies to beat the game. I'd probably rate that a 4/5 as well, though if I was reviewing in a professional video game reviewer mentality, that'd probably be a 7/5.

After completing this I was distraught for a short while, as I had the realisation that I had no more games to play. However, as luck would have it, about an hour after completing it, what do I discover? Lo and behold that the Gamesman telephone to inform that my Playstation 2 has been fixed (it had a lens problem of some sort), and thus I am able to pick that up, and subsequently play God of War 2, which I have been waiting some time to play. I may also attempt to finish off some of my older games, so I don't feel bad about buying them.

Another thing that, though it may not be necessary, I feel like mentioning is that just recently (10 days ago) I got my exam results back, from my final exams last year. I managed to achieve NCEA Level 2 (the level that I was at), with excellence, which places me at the top 3-6% of the country. Oh what a lovely pulsating brain I was blessed to be gifted with.

I also got a grade point average of 79 (which may not seem like much, but if you knew the terrible marking system, you'd understand), which means that this year I will (likely) be receiving a blue academic tie to wear as part of my school uniform, instead of a red (well it's more of a carmine) one. This will enhance my gloating powers ten fold. This makes me especially happy, as I had missed out on it last year, due to substandard results.

Speaking of which, I am returning back to school this Wednesday, to my final secondary school year. Though I will also have to do school related activities on Tuesday, as I am required to attend a peer support training programme, or something of the sorts, due to me now being a role model for the fresh meat. Unfortunately this may mean that this year I will have to associate with the younger generation, unlike my previous years with merely associating within my form.

And with that, I have emptied my supply of news topics, left with a dry well. My experiment in narrative news posts is over, for the while, and will be awaiting further evolution. I am now struggling to see if anybody could possibly fill the extraordinarily high limit of 32768 characters, with only a small amount under 6000 has been filled with this body.

I bid the reader a happy future.

"I'd want you beautiful and pale, the way I dreamed you were..."

News post +1


Sweeney Todd looks ace.

It was good.

The violence was ridiculous, however.

In the opening, the blood looks like candle wax.

It gave me a craving for pies, interestingly enough, before I realised that every bakery in town was closed, and store bought pies are awful.

I'm sure the blood isn't as bad as Hostel. It looked like jelly. Not literally but you could tell it was all faker than piss in a pot.

Why not go on a pie shopping spree after you watch it again while the bakeries are open? Try watching Sweeney Todd in the morning or mid-day.

The blood looked fine after the opening, but the way it bled was rather ridiculous.

It's not the more or less subtle blood wiping off the razor stage production blood, it's the garden hose spraying from the neck film blood. But it works due to it being used in a vaguely comedic way.

Bakeries don't tend to sell their own pies, from what I've seen, so that sounds unlikely.

Maybe I'll do a road trip to find the only bakery I know sells good pies.

Ah, I hate it when they do that neck blood spurting thingy. I've only seen one film that hasn't overdone it and that was 'Interview With A Vampire'. It didn't fly out as such but it leaked. I believe that it'd leak and not spurt in real life, right?

English bakeries do, I think. If not, then what we've all seen and believed is a lie.

Oh, and if you do do that road trip, don't forget to steal a bus for the blind but don't leave someone to look after your pet snake that looks like Wade Fulp.

Luckily the large amount of blood allowed it to be an R16, meaning that anyone below the age of 16 would not be allowed to enter. This is good, because as it wasn't advertised as a musical, I predict there would have been many a 13 year old looking for splatter to be in a heckling mood.

Well I'm sure there are some New Zealand bakeries that do as well, I just don't go into bakeries very often as they happen to be in obscure places.

Wade Fulp is a cunt of a whore.

I've always loved musicals ever since I was about nine or so. They're swell and it seems like it hasn't been advertised as one over here, too.

Yeah, I know what you mean. Mainly small bakeries in tiny towns make all of their own stuff and if you're lucky, you can find them in caves and near waterfalls. The Lake District is weird like that, you'know?

I see you completely missed my reference to 'Road Trip'.

I've never been a huge fan of musicals, but some are quite good. This one especially, as it seems more cinematic, and the songs seem more natural. The characters seem to be able to drift in and out of song with ease. Besides that, it's oozing with style.

There's a bakery on the walk home from my school, perhaps I'll ask them if they make their own pies. I'll be prepared to be disappointed.

The word 'missed' does not mean 'did not acknowledge'. I chose instead to express my dislike for a tyrant.

Those musicals are the best. Some like 'Singing in the rain' which I've never watched, seem just too over the top.

What type of pie will you ask for?

I know it doesn't but you didn't really hint that you got the reference so I jumped to a conclusion like I sometimes do. Sorry 'bout that.

I do like it more when my musicals are subtler. You can hardly get roped into a world when you can't even believe it.

I will ask for a shepherds pie peppered with actual shepherd on top.

When you assume you make an arse out of you and me. Or is that arseyoume?

Yoink. I stole your beer.

Aye, true. I hate, well, anything like that.

I see no shepherds nowadays. It's all intensive farming and organic farming, now and they don't do it for fun like shepherds did.


Amount isn't anything, content is what really matters. :P

I've reached the character limit of 32768 characters, once, and not by spamming the blogpost by similar phrases or letters either, but by gathering all previously posted reviews in one place ( <a href="http://cyberdevil.newgrounds.com/news/post/67395">http://cyberdevil.newgrounds.com/news /post/67395</a> ) .

Btw, sounds like a great movie, I shall see it myself sometime.

You know nothing.


I may see Sweeny Todd in theaters. I also wanted to see the new Daniel Day Lewis film, There Will be Blood. It's not a very good title, though. It makes it sound like a silly action flick.

You ought to enjoy God of War 2. You get to ride a griffon and fight Harry Hamlin...I mean Perseus. I thought it was awesome.

Also, congratulations on the good grades.

Ah, but Daniel Day Lewis' performance looks spectacular, from what I've seen in the trailer.

"I've got a competition in me."

Well I enjoyed the first one, despite it being quite over rated. It was a well made game, but I wasn't huge on the extreme factor. "Oh my god, there's sex in it? OH MY GOD, THERE'S VIOLENCE IN IT? OH WOW, LOOK AT WHAT I DID TO THAT ZOMBIE! HARDCORE!" etc.

I'm proud of myself, considering I felt I didn't do as much study as I should have (bloody computer...)

Lewis is quite a good actor. I liked his character in Gangs of New York.

Yeah, the sex and nudity in God of War had no point and did warrant a roll of the eyes. And the praise for the game was a bit much.

I feel I'm either really smart or really lucky (both maybe?) because I would almost never study for a test when I was in high school, but did very well most of the time.

Before he acted in Gangs of New York, he was in Italy training to become a shoe maker. A SHOE MAKER! What's up with that? Oh that crazy Danny.

The first game was quite fun, however. I did manage to enjoy it, despite its tone.

I don't think I'm quite smart enough to not have to study for my final exams. Trying to remember everything from back to the start of the year without revision isn't the easiest of things to do. However, I never really study for my regular tests which don't count for anything (though I'm planning on changing that this year).

Sweeny Todd hit theatres here this weekend, but my idiot friends dragged me to see Meet The Spartans instead.

I shall make a point of going to Sweeny Todd this week, as I am very eager to see it.

Meet the Spartans looks like a festering pile of shit.

If any of my friends suggested we go to it I would see to it that they get Ebola.

I skipped your whole review thing. I've yet to see the film and as such don't want to spoil anything for myself. As long as Alan Rickman gives a good performance then I'll be happy. He is a living legend in my eyes.

FF: Tactics - Worth buying a second hand PSP for?

I can't imagine there's a huge amount to spoil. You must know the general idea of Sweeney Todd. Alan Rickman is good, but his screen time is far less than Depp's and Bonham Carter's.

Tactics is a good game, but I wouldn't suggest getting a PSP just for it. However, the other games that I have for the PSP, and have completed have justified my purchase.

Too long, didn't care to read.

You're a cunt.