It's awesome so far.
Great visuals, in an artistic sense, though often I feel the landscapes look a little bare; excellent gameplay, though I do dislike the lack of any exploration (though that appears to be typical of strategy RPGs, I still thought it was good enough in Disgaea where you could walk around your castle); the voice acting is good, and I love how blu-ray means that the creators can easily include the original language track; it has tanks in an RPG; etc. etc.
The only real problem I have with it so far is that it was very annoying at one point to have nearly won a battle, but lost because Alicia got a little too close to a shocktrooper.
Still, good game so far. Buy it.
Tank is tank.
More RPGs need their protagonist to be a tank commander.
It's pretty hardcore.
However, it seems silly to me when they put so much emphasis on needing tanks everywhere when I manage to get through most battles without using the tank.
I don't use it because I always fear having it die and me losing the battle as a result. It happened once that the tank got killed in one hit from full health, so yeah.