So I'm currently halfway through my NCEA level 3 and New Zealand scholarship exams. In a little over a week I will have finished secondary school forever. Well, hopefully.
So far I've done a scholarship chemistry exam, a scholarship statistics exam, an NCEA level 3 English exam and an NCEA level 3 Japanese exam (in which I wrote a nice review of Spirited Away). Only four exams to go.
If I pass the scholarship exams I get some money so it's not that important that I pass those, but the NCEA exams are where it counts. It's important that I pass NCEA level 3 at Excellence level.
So If I act a little... Angry, it's probably because I'm feeling a little stressed right now.
Or maybe I just don't like you. One of the two. Probably.
I guess your eyes would feel like that too with the amount of studying most examiners have to take.
Oh geez, I should be studying shouldn't I?
Oh well, I'll do it tomorrow.