I have to write a short story (two minutes, or something) for children, based around the theme of memories, which I'm going to present alongside two poems and another short story for a drama exam.
I'm humbly requesting some serious ideas about what I can do for it, since I'm an uncreative swine.
Have a child run up to one of their parents, "mommy, mommy, I lost my _______! I don't know where it is! I need to find it!" etc... Their parent then sits them down and asks them to recount all of what they had done so far that day, hoping that the child will remember where they left said item. In the recount of the day have the memories of the child laced with the fantastical games they like to play. "Well, I got up and had to cross the jungle (their bedroom) to get to the dresser to find clothes. There was a giant lion blocking the way (some stuffed animal)!" That sort of thing.